What Does a Chiropractic Adjustment Do for My Posture?

Did your parents or teachers often tell you to stand up or sit straight as a kid? How you walked around or sat in your chair greatly affects your current posture, and bad posture is not a healthy sign. Good posture keeps your body in proper alignment and shape.

A leading cause of bad posture today is the desk job, where you spend hours slouching at your computer screen or mobile device. Such a habit can stress your spine, neck, shoulders, and back. So, it would help to learn how a chiropractic adjustment can help improve your posture. 

Importance of Good Posture

Good posture can have a significant effect on your appearance. It can help you look healthier, taller, and more confident. Good posture can also have less visible health benefits, such as:

  • Reduced risk of back injury

  • Proper alignment of joints and bones

  • More energy conservation

  • Reduced ligament stress

  • Improved digestion

  • Better mood

  • Reduced wear on joints and muscles


How a Chiropractic Adjustment Can Correct Poor Posture


Good posture can help you avoid injury and back pain. Furthermore, it can improve your self-confidence, mood, health, and how other people perceive you. Good posture can also help keep your internal organs healthy and reduce the physical signs of aging.

A chiropractic adjustment can help improve your posture by addressing the following problems:

  • Damage to the normal curvature of your spine

  • Hunchback

  • Scoliosis

  • Forward head posture

  • Uneven pelvis and hips


Chiropractic Adjustments


When most people think of spinal adjustments, the first thing that comes to mind is loud cracking noises in the back. Chiropractic adjustments are nothing to worry about since they cause minimum discomfort. The sounds you hear come from the excessive stress released from your bones and muscles. 

To fix your posture, your chiropractor will adjust your shoulders and joints to get you into the proper position. These adjustments will help increase joint movement and reduce tension in the surrounding muscles. That will help you ease into good posture without experiencing any pain. 

Bad posture causes some muscles to weaken, which can lead to injury. Other muscles become tense or tighten, which pulls the shoulders and spine into an unhealthy position. A chiropractor can use various techniques to release tension and strengthen your muscles. That will help you feel more comfortable sitting, standing, or sleeping. 

Chiropractors begin by making postural adjustments to the patient’s shoulders. These adjustments involve slow joint movements to correct the hunched shoulders. They also help increase activity in the surrounding joints and reduce tension in the associated muscles. Gradually, these adjustments help improve bad posture.

Maintaining good posture helps your back stay in shape and is one of the essential elements of overall health and wellness. Fortunately, it is never too late to ask a chiropractor for help regarding your posture. Your chiropractor will assess your condition and design a suitable chiropractic adjustment technique to improve your posture. 

For more on chiropractic adjustments, visit Bay Bodywork & Chiropractic at our San Jose, California office. Call (408) 634-8005 to schedule an appointment today.

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